Danny’s Hope 4 Life – US


I am 34 years old, married and a father of two lovely young children (a 5 and a 2-year-old ). I’m in the prime of my life, life’s smiling at me and I feel the luckiest man on earth! Until a few months ago, when I was diagnosed with cancer.

Incomprehensible. I always used to be fit, exercised a lot and lived a healthy life.  After a period of chemo I get the devastating news that I only have a few months to live …

There’s nothing more they can do for me in the Netherlands. The options for treatment of this rare type of cancer are limited and there’s no research being done. The only advice doctors can give me is to enjoy the time I have left as much as possible. Words cannot describe what this does to our family.

Life is too beautiful to give up already. And I won’t give up without a fight! I want to grab every possible opportunity to watch my kids grow up together with my wife! So we started looking for treatments abroad.

Eventually we ended up in one of the world’s best cancer centers: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York. They do have a treatment for me! Part of this treatment is an operation to place a pump in my abdomen that will inject the chemo directly into my liver.

This treatment has proven to be effective and gives me the chance to be here for my children a whole lot longer. But it comes at a very high cost financially. The costs of the operation to place the pump amount to 150,000 Euros, the monthly treatments to refill the pump with chemo will cost another 150,000 Euros.

thanks for your support




Raised so far: April 2; 9.00 hrs


latest news

By now you have made ​​the first steps of my treatment possible: at the end of August 2014 I went to New York where I’ve had surgery and the pump was placed. From then on I received monthly treatments at MSKCC and also regular chemotherapy in the Netherlands to prevent metastases.

The treatment is going well and the tumor in my liver is largely inactive. We did not dare to dream of this a year ago.

Without all your efforts it had not been possible.

I cannot thank you enough! It’s wonderful that you realised this for me!


Dear all,

I gave this painting to Danny and Charlotte upon their return from New York. For me, this painting symbolizes the commitment and compassion of all known and unknown friends of Danny, Charlotte, and the children: you!

I am extremely happy, proud, and grateful to see that you have embraced Danny and his family and have entered them into your hearts.

With this I want to ask you to continue your support, for example by setting up a fundraising activity or by making an additional donation. Together we can make sure that he can complete this difficult, but necessary treatment without financial worries.
With your help he can focus on loving his family and the tough fight against cancer.

Thank you very much in advance,

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